Adani coal in a race against reality

Adani are the scumbags developing the Carmichael coal mine in Australia.

If you need a catch-up, I’ve talked about them before here and here and here and here and here.

From Stop Adani:

“Right now Adani are racing to lock in insurers for their risky and destructive coal project with current contracts expiring soon. 

“With 17 of the world's biggest insurers already refusing involvement with Adani’s toxic project, our intel is that Adani have gone to Lloyd’s of London in a last-ditch effort to find insurance.

“Lloyd’s of London is an “insurance marketplace”—a last resort where insurance buyers and sellers meet to cobble together insurance for some of the world’s riskiest projects.

“Our movement has already pushed Lloyd’s insurer Aspen to rule out any future policies with Adani. Aspen’s deal expires early next year, but we know someone else is involved, and we think it could be prominent Lloyd’s insurer W.R. Berkley.”

This is the end game:

“Adani’s insurance is a house of cards and together our movement is shaking its foundations. By pushing prominent Lloyd’s insurer W.R. Berkley to rule out Adani, we could knock out the key piece that sends the whole thing tumbling down.

“If Adani can’t find companies willing to provide insurance, this leaves CEO Gautam Adani and his family to foot the bill when something goes wrong. The risks of operating without insurance could easily be the last straw, and see the Adani family walk away from this coal project once and for all.”

This is an activist movement with real momentum and real results.

Basically, everyone knows that coal is in a death spiral—even insurance companies. They just need to be held to the (coal-induced forest) fire to keep them on their toes.

You can email W. R. Berkley here and try and freak them out with some choice words.

You can also get email updates from Stop Adani about this pretty little house of cards right here.

Hang in there.