Adani I don't love you

Adani are the fuckers building the Carmichael coal mine in Australia.

But they’re actually an Indian company.

It turns out they’re also fuckers in India (from Stop Adani):

“Local communities in Jharkhand state, eastern India have launched a legal challenge against Adani’s proposed Godda coal plant — where Adani wants to burn Queensland coal from its Carmichael mine.

“The Godda coal plant will displace thousands of Indigenous Adivasi people, and drain 36 billion litres of water from the sacred Ganges river every year in order to produce dirty, overpriced power for Bangladesh.

“The legal case is challenging Adani for using "coercion, fraud [and] undue influence" to illegally exclude thousands of people affected by the development from a required social impact assessment, and for the forced takeover of land by the State Government on behalf of Adani.”


“Local people resisting Adani’s Godda power plant have had their land stolen, their crops destroyed, and been beaten by police. In their words, the Adivasi people are being displaced by the world’s most ridiculous power project’.”

If you feel like joining the fray, you can petition yourself crazy here.