The crazy number of ships moving shit from A to B

I stumbled upon this cool visualisation from 2012 by KILN showing ships moving around the world in real time.

Courtesy of KILN

If you go to their website, you can watch the ships moving, and a cool informative video.

These ships run on bunker fuel, pretty awful stuff:

“[Bunker fuel is…] heavy, residual oil left over after gasoline, diesel and other light hydrocarbons are extracted from crude oil during the refining process.”

Back in 2012, these ships added more than one million tonnes of CO2 to the atmosphere a day. Or one billion kg, if you prefer.

Per day.

Funny story, none of these emissions are “owned” by any country under current climate negotiations. And they already represent around 3% of the world’s C02 emissions. Magical emissions we pretend don’t exist.

It’s easy to get tied up in circles trying to find ways to reduce these emissions.

“Needing less shit” is probably a good start.

[Cover photo: from KILN]