The Australian Government is up to its old tricks

It just has to rain for a day in Australia for the crazy talk to pick up again.

“The government says it will spend up to $6m in grants for two new Queensland electricity generation projects, including a coal-fired power plant, as part of a bid to lower power prices”.

What about just trying to use less electricity and stabilize Australia’s population?

Currently, two thirds of the growth is from immigration, one third from natural increase:

Some doublespeak straight from the article:

“ ‘We are supporting two promising new generation projects to deliver the reliable, affordable power that the north Queensland economy needs to grow and thrive,’ the deputy prime minister, Michael McCormack, said”.

Unfortunately, the last thing Australian ecosystems need right now is a growing and thriving economy based on CO2 emissions. How’s that going for you, Aussies?

More excellent doublespeak:

“The energy minister, Angus Taylor, said the projects were important to meet the power needs of people in central and north Queensland.

“ ‘Our plan to unlock investment in new reliable generation capacity will increase competition, keep the lights on and lower prices to better support our commercial and industrial sector so they can employ more Australians and remain internationally competitive,’ he said”.

Why not just decide to use less power? Why not just stop and say, I’m going to use less power today. I’m going to switch off some of the eight lights I have on. How about I suffer through that terrible 26°C heat rather than turn the AC on to 18°C?

But this would be a fundamental affront to modern life, whose mantra is, I shall do what I want, when I want.

Quite interesting though that the perceived pressure on private companies to not work on Adani’s new coal mine may be having a carry-over effect on other new projects:

“But Labor’s climate change and energy spokesman, Mark Butler, said private investors would not touch a new coal-fired power station “with a barge pole”.

Yeah. They’ve seen the hell protesters are putting coal mine enablers through.

Meanwhile, Australia continues to export one billion kg of coal per day.

When that coal is burned, it produces 2.6 billion kg of CO2.

Per day.

That’s about 5kg of CO2 per square kilometre of planet earth.

Most of that gets absorbed (part of which is killing the oceans)

What doesn’t get absorbed ends up sitting in the atmosphere:

And with this atmospheric CO2, this thing called the greenhouse effect—settled science since 1859—just keeps on heating up the planet.

And Australia gets hotter. And drier—over time.

And catches on fire.

Which can no longer be put out by mere mortals.

It now requires biblical floods.