London to Paris

An analysis of trains vs planes on the London-Paris route over time:

“While she concludes there was still a market for airlines, she found that the number of seats had declined from 4.84 million in 1996 to 2.7 million in 2019 and warned further falls are likely”.

I can’t see the death spiral stopping for planes on this route.

Though—reality check—there are still 46 flights a day plying it, which—let’s be frank—is an abomination.

The Eurostar only takes 2 hr 16 mins now.

Someone needs to put this flight connection out of its misery.

The first step would be to only allow people to fly it if they had an onward flight at the destination airport.

Going the whole way José would involve one hell of a messy debate about the economics of “hub” airports. That’s not a fun one.

One last thing to note: This article was on a website about flying, not trains.

“Given the network of high-speed trains across Europe, London-Paris will not be the only route where congestion and flight shaming are making airlines nervous”.

That’s a sign to look out for as we move forward.