

“Australia's weather bureau says Tuesday was the hottest day on record across the country. The Bureau of Meteorology recorded the average maximum across the nation as 40.9 degrees Celsius”.

This follows its driest and second warmest spring on record.

It doesn’t take much imagination to guess what a world with an out-of-control climate looks like. Just turn on the telly and look at the Aussie news.



Respiratory illness.


Or watch the start of Interstellar. Same same.

Meanwhile Australia continues to export one billion kg of coal per day.

That’s 2.6 billion kg of CO2 when burned, going straight into the atmosphere.

Believe it or not, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has the effect of raising the temperature on Earth.

This is called the greenhouse effect.

This lesson was brought to you today by the Australian government and Adani Australia.