All the blog posts I never got around to writing

A year or two before I started blogging on climate stuff, I’d begun to notice a gradual increase—day by day, month by month—in articles appearing on the climate crisis.

By the time I started blogging in mid-2019, the chance of not finding some sweet new daily hell to worry about was already tending quickly to zero.

Today, in 2021, there’s a slight glimmer in the ratio of positive stories to negative ones, like a tiny signal in the noise, trying to break out and be seen. Maybe 1-2% of stories are now positive or hopeful.

Let’s not kid ourselves though that there’s not a bounteous shitshow still heading straight for our noggins.

From a personal point of view, ask yourself: Have you changed your behaviour in some way in the last two years in response to the climate crisis? Even in some small way, like more recycling? A little less meat? Turning the lights off when you leave a room?

We’ve all been taking fewer flights (thanks Covid!) but are you thinking of dialling down the flights even after the pandemic has slowed to a simmer?

Think about it.

Right this second I’m in a train and we are gliding past wind turbines as the sun rises over little French villages south of Paris. Lovely.

As I will never get around to writing about all of this, here’s a little peep at of all the climate articles that could have appeared on the blog—but never made it—over the last two years.

Peace out.