Locked In
Locked In
Locked In, Xinjiang, China.
Locked In is printed on beautiful Hahnemühle Fine Art Baryta 325 g/m² archival paper using a professional Epsom printer. Prints are individually signed and numbered out of /50 for small, /20 for medium, /10 for large, and /2 for large+. The two large+ prints are certified as original with an Art Trust certification, see: https://www.arttrustonline.com/. Photos are 16:9 but printed on 3:2 paper with a 1 cm margin on the left and right; the top and bottom margins are thus larger than 1 cm. This gives plenty of options for framing. The dimensions shown include the borders. Half of the proceeds from sales of this photo will go to a charity helping Uyghur refugees. If you have any other questions, please contact Kevin at adventuresofaclimatecriminal@gmail.com, he’ll be glad to help.