Adventures of a Climate Criminal

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‘We are witnessing a crime against humanity’: Arundhati Roy on India’s Covid catastrophe

Some stories are temporarily more important that speeding climate change freight trucks with no brakes.

Arundhati Roy, author of the magical book, The God of Small Things, social justice warrior, and thorn in the side of India’s fascist Hindu nationalist leader, Nahendra Modi, has written this terrifying piece on India’s Covid-19 catastrophe while her friends and their families get picked off by a combination of the virus and Modi’s dangerous games.

It’s a must read.

Narendra Modi in front of the Orwellian Statue of Unity, the world’s tallest statue, in India’s Gujarat state in 2018. It overlooks the Narmada dam, constructed after decades of protest and the destruction of a whole tribal civilization living in the valley to make way for it. (This photo makes me want to vomit.) Photograph: HANDOUT/AFP/Getty Images