Adventures of a Climate Criminal

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SUVs cause cancer

More precisely:

“Growing demand for SUVs was the second largest contributor to the increase in global CO2 emissions from 2010 to 2018, an analysis has found”.

This unfortunate illness in which first-world “citizens” believe they have the right to drive their kids to school in a 4WD, ON A FUCKING ROAD, is a particularly moronic way to accelerate the climate catastrophe.

I don’t enjoy saying it, but members of my direct family have this illness, which especially depresses me.

It shows that many people will take short-term personal convenience over giving a fuck when it comes to basic choices about the future of humanity on the planet.

Which implies that short-term personal convenience is seriously underpriced in the current market because its true effect on the climate is clearly not being taken into account.

Correct pricing would be when only farmers that truly need a 4WD to make money, and a few really rich bastards, can afford to buy one.

Pop Quiz: How many people were driving their SUVs to evacuate from the horrific wildfires in California this week?

Answer: Here’s a picture of the evacuation (obtained from this article - AP):

It looks like more than 50% of the automobiles ON THIS FUCKING SEALED HIGHWAY were SUVs, or bigger.

Fun times.

[[Sorry, I had a problem with an autocorrect of the title. The original title was: “The fact that people are still buying SUVs in droves shows that humans are quite willing to actively push for their own extinction”. ]]

My bad.