Adventures of a Climate Criminal

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I emailed Jyrki and Pekka

Dear Jyrki,

I am a [[redacted]] at [[redacted]].

Due to my interest in climate change, the Google algorithm recently fed me a news article on your arXiv preprint.

I was wondering if you might be so kind as to answer a few questions surrounding the preprint and its propagation through the climate change acceptance and climate change denial communities?

- The rebuttal website gave numerous responses to your preprint from scientists explaining the flaws in it: ( ). Did you realise that this kind of reaction would occur? What do you think of their rebuttal to the preprint? Do you stand by the conclusions in the preprint?

- At the same time, websites like RT News, Sputnik, and Sky News Australia took the preprint as the word of god, and ran with it as a news story. Did you intend for this to happen? In particular, how did the existence of the preprint come to be known by one of these news organisations? (I can well imagine there's a network whereby once it's published on one, the others see it and also publish). But did you directly tell any of these news organisations about the preprint? And if so, why? Which one did you choose? Or did they find it themselves?

- What were you intending to achieve by depositing an article that you probably knew would raise anger in the scientific community? Is there some end goal that you have? Did you intend to prove some kind of point against the pushback of the scientific "consensus"? Was it meant to be a working draft on the subject, never to be seen by other scientists? I'm really confused!

- When I'm this confused, I have to ask: do you receive funding from sources that are interested in pushing back against the climate change consensus? Such as fossil fuel companies? Others? I guess I'm struggling to understand the motivation for depositing the preprint on public arXiv.

Thanks very much for any help you can give me with these questions.


Kevin Bleakley